Prime Time 2, Coursebook

piper !*paIpE? There were a lot of pipers in the street. Dudelsackspieler (der), Dudelsackspielerin (die) salmon !*sxmEn? We had salmon for dinner. Lachs (der) Scottish !*skOtIS? We visited several Scottish towns and cities. schottisch flag !flxg? The flag of Scotland is blue and white. Flagge (die) seafood !*si"fu"d? I love eating seafood when we’re on holiday. Meeresfrüchte (die), Fisch (der) unicorn !*ju"nIkC:n? The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland. Einhorn (das) collage !*kOlA"Z? Make a collage with the map and the images. Collage (die) team up with sb. Team up with a partner and talk about your collages. mit jmdm. ein Team bilden 7 to make sure Make sure you understand everything. sichergehen calf !kA:f? (pl. calves) The little calves were so hungry. Kalb (das) caterpillar !*katEpIlE? There was a caterpillar on the ground. Raupe (die) chick !tSIk? The birds were having chicks when we were there. Küken (das), Vogeljunges (das) life jacket !*laIf dZxkIt? I had to wear a life jacket on the boat. Schwimmweste (die) lizard !*lIzEd? I caught one of the lizards . Eidechse (die) seal !si"l? The seals were lying on a rock. Robbe (die) 8 diary !*daIEri? I wrote a holiday diary to remember what happened. Tagebuch (das) highlands !*haIlxndz? We went to the Scottish Highlands this year. Hochland (das) destination !destI*neISn? Our first destination was Handa Island. Reiseziel (das) boat !bEUt? We went to the island by boat . Boot (das), Schiff (das) gorgeous !*gC:dZEs? The water was so gorgeous . herrlich, großartig cliff !klIf? We went near some very high cliffs . Klippe (die) steep !sti"p? The cliffs were really steep . steil fluffy !*fl0fi? The little chicks were so fluffy . flauschig, weich furry !f3:ri? I found a very furry caterpillar. pelzig tickle !*tIkl? It tickled my fingers when I held it. kitzeln when !wen? I was happy when I saw it. hier: als to sunbathe !*s0nbeID? The seals were sunbathing . sich sonnen rock !rOk? They were lying on a rock . Stein (der), Felsen (der) get curious !*kjUErIEs? One got curious and came to say hi. neugierig werden far away They were on a small island far away . weit weg sheep dog !*Si"p dOg? Flo is a sheep dog and we’re old friends. Hütehund (der) to bark !bA"k? She never barks and she never bites. bellen to race !reIs? When it started to rain, we raced home. (um die Wette) laufen sand dune !*sxnd dju"n? We raced up the sand dunes . Sanddüne (die) tough !t0f? It was really tough . schwierig, hart to jump down !dZ0mp *daUn? We also jumped down again. hinunterspringen to be fun !f0n? That was fun . lustig sein, Spaß machen Show what you can do 9 to repair !rI*peE? sth. Do you know how to repair a bike? etw. reparieren 147 one hundred and forty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv