Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Congratulations! !kEngrxtSE*leISnz? Congratulations , you’ve won! Gratulation! spaceship !*speIsSIp? You will travel to the moon in a spaceship . Raumschiff (das) competition !kOmpE*tISn? You are the winner of our competition ! Wettbewerb (der) surprised !sE*praIzd? She was surprised when she saw me. überrascht anything !*enITIN? I’ve never won anything in my life! (irgend) etwas to continue !kEn*tInju"? He stopped reading, looked at me, and then continued . weitermachen, hier: weiterlesen I can’t wait (to) I can’t wait to tell my friends about this! ich kann es nicht erwarten (zu) to sound !saund? like sth. This sounds like a lie to me. wie etw. klingen joke !dZEUk? My friends love making funny jokes . Witz (der) too … !tu"? We can’t buy this, it’s far too expensive. zu … to pass !pA"s? sth. to someone He passed the phone to his mother. jmdm. etwas (weiter) geben to see for yourself See for yourself if you don’t believe me. sich selbst überzeugen to look real This looks real . echt aussehen to run around !run E*raUnd? Everyone jumped up and ran around . herumlaufen each other !i"tS *0DE? Everyone talked, but no one listened to each other . einander still !stIl? Are you still at home? noch immer to believe !bI*li"v? I just couldn’t believe it. glauben trunks !tr0Nks? Get your trunks , we’re going swimming. Badehose (die) to have plans !hEv *plxnz? Do you have plans for the summer holidays? Pläne haben to spend time !spend *taIm? – spent time I want to spend some time at the sea. Zeit verbringen travel agency !*trxvl eIdZnsi? The travel agency planned our trip. Reisebüro (das) to take part !teIk *pA"t? in sth. I took part in a competition last summer. an etwas teilnehmen to be worried !*w0rId? She was worried about the weather. sich Sorgen machen 5 to read sth. out aloud !E*laUd? She read the message out aloud . etwas laut vorlesen prize !praIz? The prize of the competition was a trip. Preis (der), Gewinn (der) to go crazy !gEU *kreIzi? The family went crazy when I told them about it. hier: verrückt werden (vor Freude) end !end? What happens at the end of the story? Ende (das) Holidays in Scotland 6 Scotland !*skOtlEnd? This summer my family and I went to Scotland . Schottland map !mxp? Have you got a map of Scotland? Landkarte (die), Stadtplan (der) bagpipes !*bxgpaIps? There were people playing the bagpipes . Dudelsack (der) folk music !*fEUk mju"zIk? They play folk music in some pubs there. Folk (der), volkstümliche Musik (die) golf !gOlf? Do you want to play golf tomorrow? Golf (das) haggis !*hxgIs? Haggis tastes better than you think. Schottisches Gericht aus Schafsinnereien kilt !kIlt? Kilts are Scottish clothes that look like skirts. Kilt (der), Schottenrock (der) 146 Vocabulary one hundred and forty-six Nur zu Prüfzweck n – Eigentum des Verlags öbv