Prime Time 2, Coursebook

sunbathing !*s0nbeIDIN? My sister wants to go sunbathing at the beach. sich sonnen by sth. We went to a hotel by the sea. bei, an, am to fall off sth. She fell off a horse. von etw. (hinunter-) fallen Ouch! !aUtS? Ouch! That really hurts. Au, Autsch! couch !kaUtS? I fell off the couch . Couch (die), Sofa (das) to build !bIld? sth. – built !bIlt? I love building big sandcastles. etw. bauen canoeing !kE*nu"IN? Did you go canoeing on the lake or the river? Kanufahren (das) theatre !*TIEtE? My parents are going to the theatre tonight. Theater (das) (beach) volleyball !*bi"tS vOlIbC"l? Most of the time we played beach volleyball . Beachvolleyball (das) to visit !*vIsIt? She visited her grandparents. besuchen to watch birds !wOtS *b3"dz? My grandfather likes to watch birds in the park. Vögel beobachten river !*rIvE? Swimming in a river can be dangerous. Fluss (der) 3 to pick !pIk? sth. Pick an activity you like. etw. aussuchen above !E*b0v? Look at the picture above . oberhalb, oben each !i"tS? Write a story for each activity. jede, jeder, jedes to last !lA"st? How long did your trip last ? (an) dauern to happen !*hxpn? Tell me what happened yesterday. passieren for a minute/an hour/ a week I went swimming for an hour . eine Minute/Stunde/Woche lang for half a day We went canoeing for half a day . einen halben Tag lang a few !fju:? Can we go camping for a few days? ein paar, einige bored !bC"d? We were so bored that we went to sleep. gelangweilt to be scared !skeEd? He was too scared of the water to try canoeing. Angst haben, ängstlich sein My summer story 4 I don’t mind. !maInd? I don’t mind staying at home. Es macht mir nichts aus. to think sth. to yourself !jE*self? They thought to themselves , “Why not?” sich denken, sich fragen to dream !dri"m? He dreamed of lying on the beach. träumen for hours !fE *aUEz? She went hiking for hours . stundenlang with your own eyes !wID yEr Eun *aIz? She wants to see Paris with her own eyes . mit eigenen Augen I don’t care. !keE? I don’t care where we’re going this year. Es ist mir egal. as long as !Ez *lON Ez? As long as we go away for a few days I’m happy. solange to have the chance !tSA"ns? to do sth I had the chance to meet your mother yesterday. die Gelegenheit haben, etwas zu tun space !speIs? They won a trip to space . Weltraum (der) alright !C"l*raIt? Alright , you can read it. gut, in Ordnung I have no idea. !aI*dIE? I have no idea who they are. Ich habe keine Ahnung. to read sth. to sb. Could you read the message to me ? jmdm. etw. vorlesen 145 one hundred and forty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv