Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Vocabulary Englische Laute Konsonanten Vokale Doppellaute !N? morni ng !A"? f a ther !aI? I , m y !r? r ed !0? b u t !aU? no w , h ou se !s? thi s !e? p e n !eE? th ere , p air !z? i s !E? a sist er !eI? n a me, th ey !Z? televi si on !3"? g ir l !IE? h ere , id ea !dZ? pa ge !x? fl a t !CI? b oy !S? sh e !I? i t !EU? hell o !tS? ch air !i? happ y !UE? s ure !D? th e !i"? t ea cher, sh e !T? th anks !O? g o t Zusätzliche Zeichen !v? v ideo !C"? b a ll !*? Die folgende Silbe trägt die stärkste Betonung im Wort. !w? w ow, o ne !U? b oo k !u"? t oo , t wo Alle anderen Zeichen werden genauso ausgesprochen, wie sie geschrieben werden, z. B. !b? , !j? , !l? usw. Abkürzungen AE American English pl. plural etw. etwas BE British English sb. somebody jmdm. jemandem coll. colloquial (= umgangssprachlich) sth. something jmdn. jemanden Words in green: basic vocabulary Words in blue: additional vocabulary Words in black: advanced vocabulary Summer stories free time activity !xk*tIvEti? What are your favourite free time activities ? Freizeitaktivität (die) 1 fishing !*fISIN? This summer, I went fishing with my parents. Fischen (das), Angeln (das) waterskiing !*wC"tEskiIN? I’m going waterskiing next week. Wasserskifahren (das) to have a picnic !*pIknIk? My friends are having a picnic in the park. picknicken to take a cooking course !*kUkIN kC"s? I want to take a cooking course this year. einen Kochkurs besuchen to walk the dog Could you walk the dog please? den Hund spazieren führen, Gassi gehen Welcome back! 2 mountain biking !*maUntIn baIkIN? She went mountain biking yesterday. Mountainbiken (das) sandcastle !*sxndkA"sl? Did you build a sandcastle on the beach? Sandburg (die) canoe !kE*nu"? We sat in a canoe in the middle of the lake. Kanu (das) climbing !*klaImIN? I am going climbing in the mountains next week. Klettern (das) snorkelling !*snC"klIN? Did you go snorkelling on your beach holiday? Schnorcheln (das) parasailing !*pxrEseIlIN? I’m too afraid to go parasailing . Parasailing (das) Unit 1 144 Vocabulary one hundred and forty-four fp3a8p Alphabetisches Vokabular Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv