Prime Time 2, Coursebook

I ’ve /I have bought an expensive game. ( Now) I don’t have any money left. She ’s /She has eaten all the muffins. ( Now) she feels sick. I haven’t read the book for school. ( Now) I can’t answer the teacher’s questions. He hasn’t called me on my birthday. ( Now) I’m disappointed. Unit 12 Phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs have two or more parts. You have to remember both parts together. Phrasal verbs bestehen aus zwei oder mehr Teilen. Du musst alle Teile zusammen lernen, nicht jedes einzeln für sich. A: What are you doing this afternoon? B: Nothing! A: Let’s hang out in the park. I can’t log in . I’ve forgotten my password. We have to look for him. One of us should go in there and find out what’s going on. Unit 13 Have you ever …? Present perfect tense for experience Have you ever played tennis? baked a cake? Yes, I have . /No, I haven’t . Has your Dad ever tried going on a rollercoaster? Yes, he has . /No, he hasn’t . Has your sister ever gone hiking in the mountains? Yes, she has. /No, she hasn’t . Have they ever been to the USA? been to an American Football match? Yes, they have . /No, they haven’t . can – be able to She can move her fingers. She can open her eyes She can’t walk. She can’t stand up. OR: OR: OR: She is able to move her fingers. She is able to open her eyes. She isn’t able to walk. She isn’t able to stand up. But you must say: She wants to be able to move her fingers. She wants to be able to open her eyes. She is sure she will be able to walk soon. She is sure she will be able to stand up soon. G18 " p. 99 Let’s hang out in the park. G19 " p. 105 G20 " p. 106 143 one hundred and forty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv