Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Unit 9 What were you doing when it happened? Past tense progressive – Past tense simple Form: was/were + ing when point of time in the past What I were you doing was reading a book. when I rang you yesterday at 3 p.m.? What She was Mum doing was playing cards with Granny. when the fire broke out? Where I were you going was going to school. when it started to rain? What She was she eating was eating fish and chips. when she got sick? Yesterday at 3 p.m. What was he/she doing? What happened? Fred was walking down the road. He slipped and fell over. Past tense progressive Form: was/were + ing Past tense simple Use verbs as nouns: … -ing Start a sentence like this: Wearing a safety helmet is a good idea. Running across the street is dangerous. Feeding the animals is not allowed. Doing homework is important for learning a language. Cooking is not difficult. Having a part-time job is a good way to earn pocket money. Unit 10 What has happened? Present perfect tense for present result Form : have , has I ’ve /I have (not) He ’s /He has (not) + last form of the verb bought an expensive game. eaten all the muffins. Meaning: You can see/hear/feel, … the result of a past action NOW . Wenn du in der Gegenwart das Ergebnis der Handlung sehen, hören oder fühlen kannst, verwendest du die Present perfect tense. G15 " p. 73 G16 " p. 74 G17 " p. 80 142 Grammar one hundred and forty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv