Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Show what you can do v7mm4m Listening: Back to school Listen and circle the correct answers. 1. What does the girl think about the holidays? a) T hey were too short. b) The weather was too bad. c) They were boring. 2. Where did the girl travel to this year? a) She went to New Zealand. b) She stayed at home. c) She visited her grandparents. 3. How long did the girl’s friend Becky stay with her? a) for 24 hours b) for three days c) for one week 4. How did Becky travel? a) by car b) by train c) by plane 5. What did the girl learn in the summer holidays? a) how to write computer apps b) how to bake a cake c) how to repair a bike 6. What does the girl plan to do now? a) to stop altogether b) to get better c) to learn something new 7. Which museum did the girl go to? a) Museum of Sports b) Museum of Technology c) Museum of Computers Speaking: What a cool summer Give a short presentation about your summer holidays. Answer the questions below. • What do you usually do? • What did you do this year? • Where were you? • What did you do there? • Who went with you? 9 1.2 q47bb5 l m n I can understand someone talking about their holidays. 10 l m n I can give a short presentation about my summer holidays. 14 1 Unit Summer stories l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. fourteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv