Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Talking about the future: …will … You use the “will” future to express predictions, invitations, hopes, fears and promises. Du verwendest die „will“ Future, um Vorhersagen, Einladungen, Hoffnung, Ängste und Versprechen auszudrücken. Form: will + verb in base form I’m sure Janine will be a pumpkin and Roger will wear a pirate’s costume. Negation Form: will not (won’t) + verb in base form I hope there won’t be any rain tonight. I’m afraid they won’t dress up for Halloween this year. Questions Form: (question word) + will + person + verb in base form Will you come to my Halloween party tonight? Yes, I will . No, I won’t . What will the children wear for Halloween next year? this – that / these – those The words “this” and “these” point to an item near to the speaker. The words “that” and “those” point to an item further away from the speaker. Die Wörter „this“ und „these“ deuten auf einen Gegenstand in der Nähe des Sprechers/ der Sprecherin. Die Wörter „that“ und „those“ deuten auf einen Gegenstand, der von dem Sprecher/ der Sprecherin weiter entfernt ist. Singular: Trish: What do you think? Should I take this dress (here) or maybe that one (over there)? Mum: I think that green one (over there) looks much nicer. Trish: Do you think so? I’m not sure. I like this red one (here) much better. Plural: Trish: These shoes (here) are bigger than those shoes (over there), don’t you think? Mum: Yes, I do. I don’t think these shoes (here) will fit you. Trish: Let me try them on. But I’ll try those shoes (over there) first. G9 " p. 44 G10 " p. 45 these (here) those (over there) that (over there) this (here) 139 one hundred and thirty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv