Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Unit 4 How to compare things: comparison of adjectives You use different forms to compare adjectives, depending on the number of syllables they have. Benutze unterschiedliche Formen, um Adjektive zu steigern – je nachdem, wie viele Silben sie haben. Adjectives with one syllable / Adjektive mit einer Silbe strong – strong er than – the strong est My big sister Carol is strong. Her PE teacher is strong er than Carol. Melissa from Ms Miller’s class is the strong est . hot – hot ter than – the hot test In Croatia, it’s quite hot in summer. In the south of Spain it’s usually hot ter than in Croatia. In Florida, it’s the hot test . Adjectives ending with a -y / Adjektive, die auf ein -y enden spicy – spic ier than – the spic iest Hungarian goulash is spicy. My mum’s special curry is spic ier than goulash. The curry in my favourite Indian restaurant is the spic iest . Adjectives with more syllables / Adjektive mit mehreren Silben disgusting – more disgusting than – most disgusting I think spiders are disgusting. My best friend thinks cats are more disgusting than spiders. We both think that spinach is the most disgusting! Unit 5 How to replace nouns: one (singular) – ones (plural) Singular John: I need a black T-shirt for school. Shop assistant: What about this one ? John: Yes, I like it. Can I see the other one too? Shop assistant: Here you are. Plural Sue: I need some new boots for my riding lessons. Shop assistant: Well, we have black and brown ones . Sue: I like the black ones better. G7 " p. 37 strong stronger strongest G8 " p. 40 138 Grammar one hundred and thirty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv