Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Talking about the past: Asking questions Form: did Did Did + person Sadie’s parents Sadie’s friends + base form plan the holidays carefully? spend a lot of time with her? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. was/were Was + person Sadie in the US for the first time? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t. Were Sadie’s best friends in California too? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t. Unit 2 Comparison: as …as … not as …as … Form: as (interesting) as … not as (boring) as … Biology is as interesting as physics. History is not as boring as maths. German is as difficult as French. PE is not as hard as music. How to express rules Kids should have time for their friends. They shouldn’t use their mobile phones so much. Children should eat an apple a day. They shouldn’t eat so much junk food in the lunch break. Teachers should be friendly all the time. They shouldn’t give the children too much homework. Parents should ask their kids about their day at school. They shouldn’t be angry with the teachers. Expressing wishes: I wish I had … I wish I had more time to go skateboarding with my friends. I wish I had a dog. I wish I had a sofa in my bedroom. I wish I had less homework. I wish I had a younger sister. I wish I had English every day. G3 " p. 11 G4 " p. 17 3x4=12 G5 " p. 18 G6 " p. 19 I wish I had a dog. 137 one hundred and thirty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv