Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Fact detective: Chariot races in ancient Rome a) What is a chariot race? Look at the picture and tick your answer. In ancient Rome, a chariot race was a … 1. special event where men showed the audience what tricks their horses could do. 2. event in the Colosseum where the emperor showed the people how beautiful and fast his expen- sive horses were. 3. event where four different teams with four horses raced against each other and the fastest chariot won the race. 4. big event in the Circus Maximus where people raced against each other and the fastest runner won a big prize. b) Were you right? Use your smartphone and try to find out what chariot races were like. Listening: What happened at chariot races? a) Listen to the interview. b) Now match the definitions below. Then listen again and check your answers. 1. chariot big arena in Rome for chariot races 2. galloping horses strong man that drove the cart with the horses 3. chariot driver horses that run as fast as they can 4. Circus Maximus 1 small two-wheeled cart Your own chariot Draw your own chariot with its horses and driver. Use your history book and do some research on the internet to find some pictures of ancient chariots. Then show it your partner and describe your chariot. 2 3 2.30 5wi7a4 4 135 16 one hundred and thirty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv