Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Fact detective: Can you find the right coins? a) Look at the coins below and match them with the descriptions. A B C D 1. This golden coin shows the Roman emperor Vespasian (AD 69-79). 2. This coin is made of brass and shows Domitian (AD 81-96). 3. This silver coin shows the wolf and the twins Romulus and Remus (260 BC). 4. This coin is made of silver and shows the head of emperor Augustus (19 BC). b) Work with the information from task 2a and put the coins in chronological order. Start with the oldest one. 1. 260 BC – Romulus and Remus 2. 3. 4. Poster and speaking: What do you remember? a) Find a partner and work with the information from above. Then make a poster about ‘Roman money’. b) Now use your poster and prepare a short presentation (2–3 minutes). Structure your presentation and use the sentence starters from the box. c) Find another pair and present your posters to each other. When you speak try to … • speak slowly, loudly and clearly. • look at the listeners. • be focused, but friendly. 2 C 3 Useful phrases Sentences starters to structure your presentation: • My presentation is about … • First of all, … . • It’s also important to say that … . • Another important thing is … . • You should also know that … • Last but not least, … . • Thank you for listening. P Pronunciation Tips and tricks When you have to give a presentation, make sure to pronounce words correctly. Listen to the pronunciation in online dictionaries. Take your time to practise at home. Maybe your mum/dad can listen to you. P 133 16 one hundred and thirty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv