Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Fact detective: What clothes did the Romans wear? a) Look at the picture below and read the text. Then write the missing words. 3 A tunic 1 is a piece of clothing that all people wore. It was made of linen or wool. Men also wore a 2 over their tunic, but it was heavy and difficult to put on. Women wore a 3 , which is some kind of dress that reached to the ankles. Children wore simple 4 like their parents did. b) How to put on a Roman toga: match the steps A–D with the pictures and draw lines. Step A: Put the left side of the toga over your left shoulder. Step B: Now hold the right end of the toga in your right hand, bring it up under your left arm and wrap it around your body. Step C: Then throw the right end of the toga over your left shoulder. Step D: Finally take the middle of the toga, put it into the belt of your tunic and fix it. c) Bring a big linen sheet to class and try to put on a toga yourself. Work in pairs and help each other to dress up like an ancient Roman citizen. 131 16 one hundred and thirty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv