Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Clothing and fashion (Unit 5) Listening: What do you think? a) Read the questions first. Then tick what you think: yes, no, maybe. b) Listen to the interview with Professor Barker and check if your guesses are right. c) Listen again. Then match the sentence halves. 1. Red wine made ivory, gold and precious stones. 2. Both men and women wanted to look pale so they used chalk powder. 3. Jewellery was made of 1 Roman women’s lips really red. 4. Rich Roman women loved wearing expensive perfumes. d) Do you remember some facts? Answer the questions below. 1. Why did rich Romans want to have white skin? 2. How did Roman hairstyles change over time? 3. What material did the Romans use for their shoes? Guessing time: Beauty in Roman times Odd one out: cross out the word that doesn’t belong. Say why! 1. ring • necklace • ivory • bracelet This is all jewellery, and ivory is a material. 2. gold • ivory • silver • rich 3. long • head • curly • straight c36c9z 1 yes no maybe 1. Did the Romans use perfume? 2. Did Roman women wear make-up? 3. Did Roman people have different hairstyles? 4. Did the Romans wear underwear? 5. Did the Romans wear jewellery like bracelets and necklaces? 6. Did Roman people have shoes? 2.28 9dr4dn 2 130 16 Unit Fact detectives one hundred and thirty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv