Prime Time 2, Coursebook

My holiday diary a) Fill in the missing words in the holiday diary. b) Watch the video again and check your answers. c) Write your own holiday diary. Use photos from your own holidays and some of the useful phrases. 8 brown and furry • Fulmar chick • had so much fun • jumped down again Let’s go again • live on these cliffs • on a rock far away • we are old friends wear a life jacket • went there by boat • went to Scotland • when I held it Dear Diary, this summer, my family and I went to Scotland 1 . We went to the Highlands in the north of Scotland. Our first destination was Handa Island. We 2 . I had to 3 . Look at the water! It was gorgeous! The cliffs were very high and steep. Look at the birds! They are called Fulmars and they 4 . This is a 5 . It is still very fluffy. I also found a caterpillar. It was 6 . It tickled my fingers 7 . And there were lizards, too. I caught one of them. The seals sunbathed together 8 . One got curious and came to say hi. Hello Mr Seal! After that we visited my friend Flo. Flo is a sheep dog and 9 . She never barks and she never bites. We 10 ! These are Flo’s big friends. The little calves were so hungry. On Balnakeil Beach my sister and I raced up the sand dunes. It was really tough. Ouch, my poor legs! We also 11 . One, two, three … here we come! That was fun! We had a great holiday. 12 . What about now? 1 – 2 Useful phrases Holiday diary This summer, my family and I went to … • Our first destination was … • We went there by car/train/boat/plane … • I had to wear a … • I saw … • I found … • It was fluffy/furry/ curious … • After that … • We had so much fun! • We had a great holiday. P 13 1 thirteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv