Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Fact detective: Teachers and students in Rome a) Look at the picture below. Describe what’s going on using the sentences from the box. 2 In the picture In the classroom there is a (young) student a teacher a boy a pupil who is reading. listening. working. writing. drawing. playing. speaking. there are students teachers pupils (young) boys who are b) Have a quick look at the text below in task 2c. Remember the tips from task 1 “Vocabulary work”: Which tip works for you? Tick the tip you like best. Looking at pictures next to the text Connecting the text to my knowledge Guessing the meaning of new words Rereading the text c) Now read the text silently and highlight the words that you do not know. Most schools in Rome had only one room; this was the classroom with about 12 students. Very often the teachers were from Greece because the Romans brought them back as slaves. The Greeks were well educated and the Romans respected them for their knowledge. The Greeks taught the Roman students reading, writing, maths and rhetoric. Younger pupils had to learn the alphabet; the older ones had to recite texts of famous authors, for example, Plato. d) Make a list of the unknown words, look them up and use the tips to study new phrases. 129 16 one hundred and twenty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv