Prime Time 2, Coursebook

School in ancient Rome (Unit 2) Vocabulary: School life a) Look at the words and pictures below. Then tick the things that Roman students had in their ancient classroom. b) Listen to the expert interview and check your answers. c) Listen again and say if the statements are true (T) or false (F). T F 1. The interview takes place on TV.  2. Professor Barker is an expert in Roman and Greek history. 3. Some children in ancient Rome had a private tutor. 4. An abacus is an instrument to do chemistry. 5. In ancient Rome children had to learn Greek. 6. For writing the children often used a wax tablet and a stylus. d) What else do you know about Roman school life? Try to search the internet and/or your history book and find two more facts about school in ancient Rome. 1. 2. 2a69qg 1 7. pottery 1. wax tablet 4. pencil case 8. sharpener  2. smartphone 5. private tutor 9. tablet 3. stylus 6. Greek language 10. abacus 2.27 5p84uh 128 16 Unit Fact detectives one hundred and twenty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv