Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Vocabulary work What do you do if …? a) Learning a new language isn’t always easy. So, what to do if … • you don’t know or understand new words and phrases in an English text? • an English text is difficult for you? Here are some tips and tricks to help with reading and understanding new words and phrases. 1. Are there any pictures? Check if there are any pictures for your English text. They can help you to understand what the text is all about. 2. Which words and phrases do I know? Check the text for words/phrases that you know. Then try to guess the meaning of words you don’t know. 3. Is there anything that I already know about this topic? Think of things you already know and make use of them. This helps you to understand new things. 4. Is there anything that I didn’t understand? It’s a good idea to reread the text. So read it again and use the tips in number 1, 2 and 3 to understand it. b) What do you think is the best tip and why? Find somebody who agrees with you. si694i Pronunciation Tips and tricks If you don’t know how to pronounce a word correctly, look it up online. Use online dictionaries. P 1 ??? Again! 127 one hundred and twenty-seven Fact detectives New things • Different ways to learn new words • School in ancient Rome • Roman money • The Romans’ clothing & fashion • Roman sports Unit 16 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv