Prime Time 2, Coursebook

3. Mia: Elliott, how about food and drinks? 7 the cooking club for help? Elliot: Oh … err … the cooking club? Me? Right … well … I’m afraid … I 8 to ask them … 4. Mia: Jayden, how about entertainment? 9 to the DJ? Jayden: Logan is in year seven. I 10 to him yet. Mia: Why? What 11 ? Jayden: Well … Logan 12 on a school trip the last days, so I 13 him. I think he came back yesterday evening. I’ll talk to him as soon as possible. Speaking: Let’s see what we have already done Get together in groups of three and talk about the to-do list. Use the useful phrases. Kevin, have you made some decorations? No, I haven’t. Why? What happened? I’m sorry, but I had to go to the dentist’s yesterday. Okay, let’s see what we can do about it. 7 to do comment x make decorations dentist x organise food and drinks study for a test  decide which party games to play  prepare invitations x print out signs no paper left  talk to the teachers x ask parents for help no telephone numbers  find sponsors x ask at the local shops shops closed Useful phrases (name), have you …? • Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. • No, I’m afraid I haven’t. • What happened? • Well, I had to …/ I didn’t have …/There was … • Okay, let’s see what we can do about it. P 123 15 one hundred and twenty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv