Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Reading: Save the date – the annual big summer festival Harvey has just posted the save-the-date message on the school blog. Unfortunately, he didn’t get all the details right. a) Read Harvey’s posting on the school blog about the annual summer festival. b) Highlight the six mistakes he has made. c) Write down the correct sentences below. 1. The festival takes place on the last Friday before the summer holidays. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Speaking: Planning the next steps Get together in groups of three and plan the next steps for the festival. Who can do what? Use the useful phrases. 3 Save the date The summer holidays are just a few weeks away and it’s time for the annual summer festival again. Like every year, it takes place on the last Saturday before the summer holidays. This year, it’s on July 15 th . This year’s theme is “Rainsborrow Middle School on the moon”. The festival takes place outdoors, at the sports ground of Rainsborrow Middle School. There won’t be any hot food this year, only lots of yummy ice cream and creamy milk shakes. There will be a DJ with the latest dance tracks and a live performance by Rainsborrow’s Theatre Club. Come back for more information soon. The organisers will be happy to hear about your ideas and suggestions. Just drop them a message below. name: 4 Useful phrases What do we have to do first, next, …? • What is the most important thing? • We must, mustn’t forget/ask/find … • I can do this. • I’d like to … P make decorations organise food and drinks decide which party games to play prepare invitations print signs talk to the teachers ask parents for help find sponsors ask for help at the local shops 121 15 one hundred and twenty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv