Prime Time 2, Coursebook

The annual big summer festival Listening: The big summer festival It’s the end of the school year. A group of students from Rainsborrow Middle School are planning their annual big summer festival. a) Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. When does the big summer festival normally take place every year? a) on a Friday b) in the summer holidays c) in May 2. Where does Harvey put the infor­ mation about the festival’s date? a) in the school newspaper b) on the school blog c) on the drama club’s website 3. Why isn’t it a good idea to hold the festival at the sports ground? a) because of other events b) because of the weather c) because it’s not allowed 4. Who are the children going to ask to allow the festival indoors? a) the head­ master b) their parents c) nobody 5. What is Elliot talking about? a) music b) food and drinks c) games 6. Who should help to organise food and drinks? a) a restaurant b) other students c) parents 7. What’s the children’s idea for a live act? a) a rock band b) a magician c) a breakdance show 8. When do the children meet again? a) on Thursday b) later the same day c) on the day of the festival b) Listen again and write a to-do list. What do the children have to do before the next meeting? cn8zd6 2 2.25 bt4x9u To-do list  post the info on the school blog ask • breakdance club • cooking club • for help • Logan • post the info • Mr Miller • school blog • talk 120 15 Unit Festivals, customsandtraditions one hundred and twenty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv