Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Show what you can do 4ky33a Language in use: Word order Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. 1. Eriksson • Eric • the • Red’s • Leif • was • son Leif Eriksson was Eric the Red’s son. 2. Eric • Red • the • started • expedition • his • from • and • Greenland • found • Iceland 3. Leif • to • sailed • Eriksson • North America • and • men • his 4. He • had • a • of • about • crew • men • 35 5. Leif • arrived • 1000 • Newfoundland • Eriksson • year • in • around • the 6. An • is • trip • a • to • expedition • find • new • something Speaking: The Vikings Use the sentence starters below and prepare a 1-minute presentation about the Vikings. Try to talk as freely as possible and use keywords only when speaking. • The Vikings were … • The daily life of the Vikings … • They lived … • The Viking people had … • They didn’t have … • The Vikings’ language … • In Scandinavia … • For the Vikings, it was very important to … • Many people still believe that … 9 l m n I can put words in the correct order and make correct sentences. 10 l m n I can talk about a special topic, for example the Vikings. 118 14 Unit The Vikings l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. one hundred and eighteen Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv