Prime Time 2, Coursebook

The Vikings’ ships a) Look at the picture below. Work with a dictionary and find out the meaning of the words. b) Match the words with their English definitions. 1. prow It was round and put on the side of a Viking longboat. 2. sail This was the outside of the longboat. 3. shield They were used to move forward when there wasn’t enough wind. 4. rudder It was a large piece of woven wool to sail forward. 5. oars One man had a long stick to move the longboat in the right direction. 6. hull 1 It was the very front of the ship and it should scare other people. c) Use the information about Vikings and their longboats. Use all the information from unit 14 and write an informative text of about 80 words in your exercise book. Start like this: The Vikings were great seafarers from Scandinavia. They had special boats … d) Find a partner and read your texts to each other. Then give feedback and say what you liked / didn’t like about it. 8 prow 117 14 one hundred and seventeen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv