Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Daily life of the Vikings What kind of people were the Vikings? a) Read the fact cards. Then match them with the pictures and the questions. Draw lines. 1. The Vikings lived as farmers. They grew plants, worked with wood, leather and different types of metal. Men, women and children had to work very hard because they did everything by hand. What did the Vikings believe in? 2. The Vikings had many different gods and they liked them very much. The main god was “Odin” and he lived in a place called “Asgard”. If an impor- tant Viking died, like a king, he was put on a ship and was then burned. Did the Vikings have laws or politics? 3. Yes, of course. The Viking people had some kind of parliament called “Thing”. There, men met and dis- cussed different things. There weren’t any written laws, but they were passed on from person to person. Where did a Viking family live? 4. A Viking family lived in a house with one big room. The people shared this place with their animals, and they had open fires to cook and to keep themselves warm. And, there was no bathroom. What jobs did the Vikings do? b) Read the fact cards again. Then tick T (= true) or F (= false). T F 1. The Vikings lived as farmers and grew lots of plants.  2. The Vikings’ main god was called “Thor”. 3. Gods were very important for the Vikings. 4. A typical Viking family lived in a house with one or two rooms. 5. Their animals lived in the same house. 6. They had no laws and so they were always fighting with each other. 7. The Vikings did all the work by hand. c) Find out more facts about the Vikings and make a fact sheet with at least three facts. fb46h3 Hi, my name is Sven and I will tell you a little bit about the daily life of the Vikings. 5 114 14 Unit The Vikings one hundred and fourteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv