Prime Time 2, Coursebook

b) What is this? Use words from the word bank and write them below the pictures. 1. t 2. 3. c) Now use the map from task 3a again and complete the text with the words below. The Viking people, who settled in England 1 , mostly came from 2 . The time when the Danes ruled the English people was called 3 . The Vikings from 4 mostly settled in the very northern part of the British Isles called 5 . The Norwegian Vikings came from 6 and they sailed to the island of 7 . Guessing game: Words from Old Norse in modern-day English Look at the English words and match them with the ones from Old Norse. Then listen and check. 1. horse vindauga 2. knife 1 hestr 3. dwarf knifr 4. window hjalmr 5. fish dvergre 6. helmet fiskr Scotland Denmark England Norway Ireland Sweden Danelaw 4 Pronunciation [ ð ] as in “the” The Vikings settled in the northern part of Britain. They did their work by hand. The Vikings worked with leather and wood. In their houses, they had an open fire to keep themselves warm. P 2.23 zj4hv4 2.22 89v5si Word bank coastal • explorer(s) • expedition • homeland • invader(s) • raid • settlement(s) • ship(s) • treasure • violent • warrior(s) • Danelaw • Denmark • Norway • Scandinavia • Sweden W 113 14 one hundred and thirteen Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv