Prime Time 2, Coursebook

The history of the Vikings Listening: The Vikings and the English language a) Listen to the interview with the historian and archaeologist Astrid Flemming. b) Listen again and tick the statements that are true of the Vikings. 1. More than 1000 years ago, the Vikings lived in Scandinavia.  2. The Vikings weren’t very good seafarers. 3. Trading with other people was very important for the Vikings. 4. The British were very happy that the Vikings settled on their coast. 5. The Vikings spoke a language called “Old Horse”. 6. Some of the Vikings’ words are still used in the English language. c) Which of the statements above are wrong? Correct them and write new sentences. Where did the Vikings come from? a) Look at the map. Then read the texts and write the words settlements and homelands. The 1 of the Vikings were mostly the southern parts of Scandinavian countries like Norway, Sweden and Denmark. From there, they started their expeditions. The Vikings’ new 2 were coastal places where they arrived with their ships to set up villages. zj96s6 Info Did you know? The Vikings were some kind of pirates, warriors and traders from Scandinavia. i 2 2.21 d82rp4 3 Norway Sweden Denmark Scotland Ireland Wales England DANELAW 112 14 Unit The Vikings one hundred and twelve Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv