Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Focus on form: Talking about the past a) Match the questions and answers. 1. Did the Miller family have plans for the holidays? Yes, she did. 2. Were they having breakfast on a hot Saturday morning? Yes, they were. 3. Did Margret Miller get an e-mail on her phone? Yes, they did. 4. Did she read it out aloud? Yes, it was. 5. Was the prize a trip to the moon? 1 No, they didn’t. 6. Was Ian happy about the e-mail? No, she didn’t. 7. Did Marc Miller think the e-mail was true? No, he didn’t. 8. Did the Miller family go crazy at the end of the story? Yes, he was. b) Make questions and write them down. Dad Marc Miller plans • holidays think • e-mail • real Did dad have plans for the holidays? Did Marc Miller … Mother Margret Miller take part • competition happy • e-mail Older son Ian want • go • beach want • tell friends Younger son Ben read • e-mail • aloud e-mail • from Orbit Space Travel 5 Grammar See 1 G 1, 2, 3 Talking about the past The Miller family won a holiday trip to space. They didn’t have any plans for the holidays. Did Ms Miller take part in a competition? – Yes, she did . Were they surprised? – Yes, they were . G 11 1 eleven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv