Prime Time 2, Coursebook

c) Now try to answer these questions. Work with a partner. Then carry on reading. 1. Who is Duncan talking to? I think he’s talking to … . 2. Why do you think Duncan answers the questionnaire? . 3. Which of the questions is he not really sure about? . Duncan really wants to know what the top-secret work could be. The first teenage firefighter maybe? He or she must be very brave. But firefighters don’t travel very far. Maybe a special rescue worker? They have to rescue people in ava- lanches and floods, disasters all over the world. But rescue workers don’t work alone, they work in a team. Duncan is called for an interview. “You’re a very interesting candidate,” says the nice lady. “You are brave, you’re good at science, you don’t care about clothes, you can travel far, and you’re happy to be on your own in the dark with a computer.” – “What is the special work?” asks Duncan. “Before I tell you,’ says the nice lady. ‘You must fill in a fitness questionnaire.” – “F-fitness?” says Duncan, horrified. The fitness questionnaire asks … d) For some reason the screen turns black here and Duncan is no longer online. Please answer the questionnaire for him. How many times a week do you go to the gym? What is your favourite green vegetable? How many miles do you jog per day? e) What is the top-secret job? In three sentences write an ending to the story. 5 10 109 13 one hundred and nine Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv