Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Top of the class, top at everything? Reading: Dreamy Duncan a) Read the first part of the story. Dreamy Duncan is online in his room. Ping! Suddenly there is a message in his inbox. Bored? Geeky? We’re looking for a very special teenager to take part in our competition. Is this you? The kids at school always call Duncan a geek and his sisters always say he is “very special”. So he scrolls down the page. The chosen teenager will be the first person to do this top-secret work! Then there is a list of questions for him to answer. b) Fill in Duncan’s answers. Choose from the green box. 1. Are you good at science? 1. Yes, very. 2. Do you like working with computers? 2. 3. Are you brave? 3. 4. Are you afraid of the dark? 4. 5. Are you prepared to travel far? 5. 6. Can you live without fresh vegetables? 6. 7. Are you happy to be alone for a very long time? 7. Thank you for completing our questionnaire. If we like your answers, we will call you in for an interview for this special work! x668tn Yes, very. • Yes, I am. I’m not a scaredy cat. • Eh? What d’you mean? • If I absolutely must, okay. • Yes, I like being on my own if I have internet. • Not at all. I never put on the lights • Yes, more than with humans. 8 Duncan’s Dad says he spends half his life alone in his bedroom. Duncan likes computers much more than he likes people! A computer doesn’t ask you to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ every time you tell it to do something. Duncan does not scream and run out of the room like his little brother when he sees a spider. Duncan’s mother is always telling him to open his bedroom curtains. He likes the dark, he hates bright sunshine. Last summer Duncan’s family made him go with them to the Grand Canyon. Grrr … Duncan does not understand this question. Duncan is top of the class. 108 13 Unit Sports one hundred and eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv