Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Video: My favourite sport a) Before you watch the video guess what Ellie’s favourite sport is. Tick what you think is the right answer. ice hockey field hockey polo b) Watch the video. Tick what equipment Ellie needs. stick boots puck skates ball racket c) Why does Ellie wear special equipment? Talk about the parts of her body she must protect. equipment elbow pads • gloves • gum shield • helmet • neck guard • shin pads • shoulder pads parts of the body elbows • fingers • hands • head • knees • neck • nose • shoulders • teeth • toes Ellie wears (a) … to protect her … I’m able to do this sport! a) Answer the questionnaire for yourself. Are you able to Yes No Are you able to Yes No skate fast? jump on the ice? skate backwards? get up quickly when you fall? do a sharp turn? do this sport? b) Ask your partner and answer your partner’s questions. Are you able to skate fast? No, I’m not. What about you? c) Would you like to try this sport? Talk with your partner and use the words from the red box. I’d like/wouldn’t like to try it because …. d) Prepare a presentation of your favourite sport. 6 11 –12 7 Word bank boring • break your arm • cold • cool • dangerous • expensive • fall down • fast • hurt yourself • lose • score goals • twist your knee • win W 107 13 one hundred and seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv