Prime Time 2, Coursebook

On 30 July 2015, Kira Grünberg, the Austrian pole vault record holder, had a terrible training accident. She broke her spine. Since that day she has been paralysed. Three months 1 later she gave an interview at the rehabilitation centre. This is a summary of what she told the reporter: She does lots of physical therapy to 2 her muscles and upper body. She trains really hard every day, but she gets tired very quickly. She’s still very weak. She 3 move her fingers, and she can’t 4 the wheelchair. She knows she must do this training regularly because she wants to 5 eat with a knife and a fork and she wants 6 to brush her teeth. And she wants 7 move around 8 anybody’s help. She gets help and sympathy from lots of people, from her family and other athletes, also from her boyfriend. He has been with her all the time since the accident. It’s cool that he supports her. She also gets lots of mails and letters, even flowers. She had a letter from a little girl who says that she admires her for her strength, which helps her with her own 9 . It’s nice that she can help other people with her optimism. She knows that one day she’ll 10 to take part in a sports 11 of some sort … b) Listen and check. Grammar See 1 G 20 can – be able to She can move her fingers. OR: She is able to move her fingers. She can’t walk. OR: She isn’t able to walk. But you must say: She wants to be able to move her fingers. She is sure she will be able to walk soon. G 2.20 x2c8xu Some sports are dangerous Kira’s brave fight a) Complete this text with the words given below. vq9y9k 5 illness • months • move • can’t • strengthen • without • competition • be able • be able to • to be able to • to be able 106 13 Unit Sports one hundred and six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv