Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Scene 7: Later inside the tunnel Listening Listen to scene 7 of the play. The POLICE, the GUIDE, the CHILDREN, SPOTTY and the TEACHER are all waiting beside the trunk. They hear voices. The guide quickly lays the jacket next to the trunk, then they hide. Police officer: (to the others) Quick, everyone hide! Shhh! The GARDENERS enter, arguing. G1: You took your jacket off !? With the key inside!? G2: Well, … I was hot! G1: We must find that jacket. Oh … He sees the jacket on the trunk. G1: … There it is! On our trunk! G2: My jacket! G1: It wasn’t there before. When did you put it there? G2: I didn’t! G2 finds the key in the jacket pocket. G2: Haha! We’ve found the key! Let’s open the trunk! G1: No wait, we have to be sure those stupid kids aren’t around. G2 opens the trunk. G1 takes out and holds up a fabulous gold crown. Suddenly, the police and all the others jump out from their hiding places. Spotty barks at the thieves. Arf! Arf! Police: We are arresting you two for stealing King Aled’s crown! G1: (to G2) I told you we should have waited! G2: No, you didn’t. … The gardeners are led away by the policemen, still arguing with each other. Scene 8: In the crown room (later that week) Listening Listen to scene 8 of the play. A TV cameraman is filming the CLASS, the TEACHER, the GUIDE, the POLICE and SPOTTY. They’re all standing around the crown. The guide holds up a newspaper headline ‘Pupils catch thieves.’ Guide: We’re happy and proud to have King Aled’s crown back in the castle. Thanks to the children of Mayflower School! It was they who found the King’s crown. Suzy: No, we didn’t find the crown. It’s really all thanks to Spotty. He found it. Aisha: He told us where to look for it and we followed him. Tom: Under the castle! All clap and cheer for Spotty. He runs around barking. Arf! Arf! 2cz6w7 11 2.17 jz84ad 12 2.18 3d2452 102 12 Unit Lost …and found – a play one hundred and two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv