Prime Time 2, Coursebook

G1: No, I gave it to you! G2: No, you didn’t! G1: You put it in your jacket pocket. G2: I … don’t have my jacket. G1: Huh? Where’s your jacket? G2: I took it off. G1: You did what! G2: I was hot, this trunk is heavy! G1: So where did you leave your jacket? G2: (looks around) Er … I don’t know. G1: Let’s get out of here. We’ll come back and open the trunk when they’ve all gone home. Scene 6: Spotty has found something Listening Listen to scene 6 of the play. They all follow SPOTTY into the tunnel. He stops and barks at the ceiling. Guide: Come back Spotty; that’s not the way out! Tom: (points to the ceiling) It’s like Spotty wants us to go up there! Suzy: It’s too high. Teacher: Our clothes will get even dirtier! Guide: Look! It’s some sort of trapdoor … Aisha: But how will we reach it? Suzy: Who’s the best climber? And who’s the tallest? All: (pointing at the teacher) Miss! Suzy gestures to the teacher to bend over. Teacher: (rolls her eyes) Ooh, I knew I shouldn’t have worn this white dress today! The teacher bends over and Tom climbs up on her back. He pushes open the trapdoor. Tom: Oh … just look at that! All: What can you see, what can you see? Tom: I can see … inside the castle … I can see the throne … Guide: The throne? We must be under the crown room … So, that’s how the thieves stole the crown! They didn’t need a combination because there’s a door. Well done, Spotty! Teacher: But who stole it …? And where is King Aled’s crown now? Aisha stumbles against something in the dark. Aisha screams. Aisha: Aiii, is it a snake, or a rat …? Suzy: It’s a … jacket. She holds the jacket up. On the sleeve it says “Castle Aled Gardens” Guide: … one of our gardening jackets …? She puts her hand in the pocket and takes out a key. Teacher: A key? Tom: Maybe it’s for that old trunk I fell over. Guide: I think I know what this means (takes out her phone) . Hello, is that the police? This is Castle Aled. I think we have found the thieves who stole the King’s crown. Come as fast as you can. Tip Remember: when acting out a play, use your face to express emotions to your audience. Here are some examples: sad angry surprised happy T 10 2.16 k8z8h4 101 12 one hundred and one Nur zu P üfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv