Prime Time 2, Coursebook

My summer story Reading: What a surprise a) Read the story of the Miller family’s holiday surprise. s3s4r8 4 It was a hot Saturday morning in August. The Miller family was having breakfast. Nobody was happy because the Miller family weren’t going on a summer holiday that year. Everyone said, “That’s no problem for me, I don’t mind staying at home.” But they really thought to themselves, “Why aren’t we going on a summer holiday this year?” Ian, the older son, dreamed of lying on the beach for hours. Ben, the younger one, wanted to go hiking and watch birds. Margret, the mother, loved the city. She had always wanted to see Paris with her own eyes. And Marc, her husband, didn’t care – as long as he had the chance to get away for a few days. Suddenly, Margret’s phone rang. “Mum, you’ve got an e-mail,” Ben shouted. “Can I read it?” – “Alright,” his mum answered. “Who is it from?” – “It’s from Orbit Space Travel,” Ben said. “What’s Orbit Space Travel?” he asked. “I have no idea,” his mum said. “But we’ll find out if you read it to us.” “Congratulations Ms Miller,” Ben read. “You are the winner of our big spaceship summer competition.” – “A summer competition?” Margret asked herself. “Oh yes, now I remember. I’m really surprised. I’ve never won anything in my life!” she said. Ben continued, “You and your family will travel to Florida to board the Space Shuttle and travel to the moon.” “Wow – we’ll travel to the moon!” Ian shouted. “I can’t wait to tell my friends about it!” – “Wait a second,” his dad said. “This sounds like a joke to me. I don’t think you can win a trip to the moon in a competition. That’s far too expensive – and dangerous!” Ben passed the phone to his mother. “See for yourself,” he said. “Ben’s right,” Margret said. “This looks real. We really have won a trip to the moon.” Everyone jumped up and ran around in excitement. Everyone talked, but no one listened to each other. Marc still couldn’t believe it, Margret asked, “Will it be cold on the moon?” and Ian was looking for his trunks. Suddenly, Ben shouted, “Listen! We have to be in Florida in two days …” 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 b) Read the story again and tick T (true) or F (false). T F 1. The Miller family had plans for that year’s holidays.  2. Ian likes to spend some time at the sea. 3. Ben’s mother hates holidays in the city. 4. Marc Miller got an e-mail from a travel agency. 5. Margret Miller had taken part in a competition. 6. The Miller family won a trip to Australia. 7. Marc Miller didn’t think the e-mail was real. 8. Margret Miller was worried about the weather on the moon. 10 1 Unit Summer stories ten Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv