Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Grammar a or an 1 p. 9 a an This is a b ook. This is an a pple. This is a g reen bike. This is an u gly bike. !0? This is a s weet orange. This is an o range. This is a u niform. !ju"? This is an o ld uniform. NOTE: If you hear a consonant at the beginning of the word, use a . NOTE: A–E– I –O–U are vowels (Vokale, Selbst- laute). If you hear a vowel at the beginning of the word, use an . Verwende an , wenn du am Beginn des nachfolgenden Wortes einen Vokal (= Selbstlaut) hörst. Bei anderen Wörtern verwendest du a . Personal pronouns: subjects 1 p. 11 SINGULAR (one) PLURAL (two/three/more) I am so hungry! Chris , you are my best friend. Max is my friend. He is so sweet. Nora is my friend. She is in the park. My school bag is cool. It is pink. Phil and I are friends. We are friends. Phil and Nora, you are my best friends. My parents are super. They are friendly. I we you you he / she / it they am – is – are (to be) 1 p. 11, 17, 41 SINGULAR (one) PLURAL (two/three/more) I am I am from Austria. we are We are in class 1A. you are Are you Paul? you are John and Kate, are you in 1A? he is Peter is from Italy. He is eleven. they are This is Mary, this is Hannah. They are my best friends. she is Ivanka is ten. She is from the USA. it is My bike is new. It is pink. G1 G2 G3 HE SHE IT IS WE YOU THEY ARE BE I AM 136 Grammar one hundred and thirty-six Listening: Shopping a) Listen f and tick  the things you hear. a carton of milk a bar of chocolate a book a cupcake an ice cream a sports magazine cheese b) Where can you get these things in a supermarket? Write v the words in the right boxes. lollies pencils strawberries magazines comics jelly beans oranges muffins balloons computer games balls bananas cupcakes bars of chocolate doughnuts doughnuts 1 uz8sy9 2.1 9q4ku5 BLUE COW BLUE COW BLUE COW BLUE COW C Liver Spanish Beef Spanish Beef Pizza Pizza FRIES FRIES FRIES Fruits Bears Fruits Bears Fruits Bears Skibbles Skibbles Lemon Skibbles Skibbles Orange Skibbles Skibbles Strawberry BIO BIO Daily News Daily News Sports Sports Sports FASHION FASHION FASHION Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Spanish Beef Spanish Beef Dairy Spring Dairy Spring SPORTS SPORTS HOME TEEN MAGAZINE HOME TEEN MAGAZINE TEEN MAGAZINE Soft Drinks Snacks Bread & Cakes Milk & Cheese Sweets Fruit & Vegetables Frozen Food Newspapers & Stationery Delicatessen Toys 39 thirty-nine Shopping New things • Supermarkets • Shopping dialogues • Prices and quantities • Plural forms Unit 5 Vocabulary Englische Laute Konsonanten Vokale Doppellaute !N? morni ng !A"? f a ther !aI? I , m y !r? r ed !0? b u t !aU? no w , h ou se !s? thi s !e? p e n !eE? th ere , p air !z? i s !E? a sist er !eI? n a me, th ey !Z? televi si on !3"? g ir l !IE? h ere , id ea !dZ? pa ge !x? fl a t !CI? b oy !S? sh e !I? i t !EU? hell o !tS? ch air !i? happ y !UE? s ure !D? th e !i"? t ea cher, sh e !T? th anks !O? g o t Zusätzliche Zeichen !v? v ideo !C"? b a ll !*? Die folgende Silbe trägt die stärkste Betonung im Wort. !w? w ow, o ne !U? b oo k !u"? t oo , t wo Alle anderen Zeichen werden genauso ausgesprochen, wie sie geschrieben werden, z. B. !b? , !j? , !l? usw. Abkürzungen AE American English pl. plural etw. etwas BE British English sb. somebody jmdm. jemandem coll. colloquial (= umgangssprachlich) sth. something jmdn. jemanden Words in green: basic vocabulary Words in blue: additional vocabulary Words in black: advanced vocabulary Welcome 1 to listen !*lIsEn? to sth./sb. Listen to the song. etw. anhören, jmdm. zuhören to sing along !sIN E*lON? Listen and sing along ! mitsingen everybody !*evribOdi? Hi, everybody ! alle Come on !k0m *On? Come on , let’s go! Komm!/Los! granny !*grxni? I love my granny . Oma (die) grandpa !*grxndpA"? My grandpa can speak English. Opa (der) sister !*sIstE? Ellie is my sister . Schwester (die) brother !*br0DE? My brother is a football fan. Bruder (der) friend !frend? Ali and Lisa are my friends . Freund (der), Freundin (die) father !*fA"DE? My father is from Britain. Vater (der) mother !*m0DE? My mother is a teacher. Mutter (die) smart !smA"t? I have a smart dog. gescheit, klug city !*sIti? London is a big city . Stadt (die) (größer als “town”) village !*vIlIdZ? We live in a village . Dorf (das) country !*k0ntri? Austria is a beautiful country . Land (das) town !*taUn? Baden is a nice town . Stadt (die) (kleiner als “city”) Let’s go !lets *gEU? Let’s go to the zoo! Gehen wir! Unit 1 146 Vocabulary one hundred and forty-six My English words Write v the words in the correct boxes. 1 pilot tennis acrobat city hamburger cap film tablet car park pizza microphone chatting sneakers mother hotel hockey doctor brother golf jeans computer sister orange juice game Family Free time Food and drink Electronics Sports Shopping Jobs Places car park What I can do with English Match the verbs on the left with the words on the right. Then write sentences. Start with I can … 1. watch a crazy song. I can watch an interesting video. 2. sing a funny game. 3. talk to an English book. 4. eat a teacher. 5. drink 1 an interesting video. 6. read an orange. 7. play a glass of water. 2 3 Unit Welcome 1 three Show what you can do! One, two or more a) Match the words and phrases and write v them down. i4z55z 10 tomatoes oranges crisps batteries juice chocolates water 1. a bottle of water, 2. a box of 3. a pack of 4. a packet of 5. a pound of 6. a tin of b) Fill in the right forms. Jimmy goes shopping for his mum. He buys a pound of strawberries (strawberry) 1 for dinner, five (lolly) 2 for his sister and a pack of (battery) 3 for her camera. He also buys a packet of (jelly bean) 4 for himself. Then he meets some other (boy) 5 from school. On (Friday) 6 they often go shopping together. Shopping dialogue a) Put the shopping dialogue in the right order. 1 A: Can I help you? A: It’s 17.99. A: Hmm, let me see … No, I’m sorry we don’t. But we have a new CD by the Sunnymakers. It’s brand new. A: Thank you. B: I’m looking for a present for a friend. Do you have the new Moonshaker CD? B: Hmm, that’s quite a lot. I’ll think about it. B: Well, how much is it? b) Listen f and check. l m n I can talk about one or more things. Ich kann die Mehrzahl bilden. 11 2.6 sb3b74 l m n I can understand shopping dialogues and put them in the right order. Ich kann Verkaufsgespräche verstehen und in die richtige Ordnung bringen. 46 5 Unit Shopping l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. forty-six Verweis auf die CD Verweis auf die DVD Verweis auf online Audios oder Videos Verweis auf Online- Material Der Nutzer-Schlüssel steht auf der hinteren Umschlagseite innen rechts unten. Symbole Der Abschnitt Grammar gibt dir einen Überblick über die Grammatikstrukturen , die du in diesem Jahr lernst. Jede der 16 Units beginnt mit einer Auftaktseite . Dort findest du meistens ein Bild, das dich auf das Thema der Unit vorbereitet. In den Units gibt es Kästen mit Redemitteln ( Word banks, Useful phrases ), Informationen ( Info ) und Grammatik ( Grammar ). Auf den Show what you can do -Seiten jeder Unit kannst du deine Lernleistung in der jeweiligen Unit selbst ein- schätzen. Can do-Sätze geben dir dabei Anhaltspunkte, wie deine Leistungen beurteilt werden könnten. Im Vokabelteil ( Vocabulary , ab S. 146) findest du neue Wörter in der Reihenfolge, wie sie in den Units vorkommen. Präge dir die Beispielsätze zu den Wörtern ein. Im Workbook gibt es zusätzliche Übungen zu den Inhalten der Units. Ab Unit 2 kannst du auf den Revision -Seiten auch Inhalte aus früheren Units wiederholen. 6  six So arbeitest du mit Prime Time Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv