Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Getting it right: Spelling Fill in the right forms. one cherr y six cherries one strawberr y some one loll y five one k ey one bab y four one batter y one b oy one troll ey How to find things in a supermarket a) Work in pairs. Read the dialogues together. Customer A: Excuse me, where can I get bananas? Shop assistant: You can find them in the fruit and vegetable section. Customer A: Thanks very much. Shop assistant: You’re welcome. Customer B: Sorry, I can’t find the jelly beans. Shop assistant: No problem. Customer B: Are they in this section? Shop assistant: Yes, they’re in the sweets section … Customer C: Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find soft drinks? Shop assistant: Yes, of course. They’re in the drinks section over there. Customer C: Thanks a lot. b) Work in pairs. Write v two more dialogues like the ones above and read them out together. 6 7 Grammar See 1 G 4, 16 Spelling: Plural forms -y  -ies strawberr y  some strawberr ies batter y  eight batter ies -ey  -eys k ey  five k eys -oy  -oys b oy  three b oys G 43 5 forty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv