Prime Time 1, Coursebook

In a supermarket Listening: The shopping list a) Listen f carefully. Tick  the things Mum tells Jack to buy. b) Listen f again and check. 1. What does his mum tell him to buy? Write the things down. 2. What does his mum not tell him to buy? Write the things down. How to say things a) Listen f to the words and repeat them. b) Listen f to the sentences and read them out loud. Mum: Can you bring some strawberries for dinner? We have got some blackberries at home, but I want to have some strawberries too. Jack: Yes, of course. Mum: And don’t forget your keys . Jack: No, not this time! Mum: And buy a pack of batteries for Lina’s toy car. And don’t buy lollies like last time. Jack: Lollies are for babies , not for boys . u538ei Info A pound of apples 1 pound = ca. 0.45 kg/450grams i 4 2.3 i777ux Shopping list a packet of sugar a games magazine two cartons of milk  a tin of baked beans two pounds of blackberries a pound of strawberries a pack of batteries a sports magazine two tins of tomato soup 2.3 i777ux 5 2.4 7b23ru batteries boys strawberries blackberries babies keys lollies 2.5 re6ty4 42 5 Unit Shopping forty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv