Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Dialogue: How much is …? How much are …? a) Work in pairs. Read these dialogues together and complete them. Then take turns. Customer A: How much are the strawberries? Shop assistant: They are 2.50 a pound. Customer A: Thanks very much. Customer B: How much is a glue stick? Shop assistant: It’s twenty pence. Customer B: Thanks very much. Customer C: How much are the batteries? Shop assistant: They are … each. Customer C: Thanks very much. Customer D: How much are … ? Shop assistant: They are … each. Customer D: Thanks very much. Customer E: How much is …? Shop assistant: It’s … a kilo. Customer E: Thanks very much. b) Work in pairs. Ask questions. Then take turns. Questions Answers How much is a small doughnut? fifty pence. How much are two muffins? It’s one pound fifty. How much is a large lemonade? They’re one pound. How much are the green balloons? eighty pence. Example: How much is a small doughnut? – It’s one pound. … c) Write v down two dialogues. Dialogue 1 Customer A: Shop assistant A: Dialogue 2 Customer B: Shop assistant B: 3 Grammar See 1 G 3 is – are one thing  is How much is a lolly? two or more things  are How much are the apples? G Info Prices in English Write: £ 2.55 (no comma!) Say: “Two pounds fifty-five.” OR “Two fifty-five.” i 41 5 forty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv