Prime Time 1, Coursebook

In a corner shop Dialogues in a corner shop a) Listen f to the dialogues. What are the children buying? Tick  the right box. Paula Tom two bottles of orange juice three doughnuts a sandwich a packet of crisps a lottery ticket a box of chocolates a pound of bananas a carton of milk b) Read the dialogue tree and act out the dialogues with a partner. Use the words from task 2a. yn4ub3 2 2.2 8p9t9m In a corner shop Assistant: Hi! Can I help you? Customer: Yes, can I have three doughnuts please. A: Anything else? C: Here you are, thanks. C: And a carton of milk, please. C: No, thanks. A: Anything else? C: No, thanks. A: That’s three pounds. A: Do you need a bag? C: Yes, please. A: That’s two pounds ten.             Useful phrases • Can I help you? • Do you have …? • Can I have …? • How much is …? • How much are …? • That’s five pounds. • That’s fifty pence. • That’s two euros a pound. • Anything else? • Here you are, thanks. P 40 5 Unit Shopping forty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv