Prime Time 1, Coursebook

4  Contents four At home p. 71 Vocabulary Rooms in a house • Furniture • Activities at home • Describing a room Grammar Present tense progressive Listening Showing a friend round the house • My dream room Speaking Talk about your dream room Reading Nosy Nancy, the horrible aunt Writing My dream room Song/Rap Monster in the house Video A video message home Food p. 79 Vocabulary Food (English breakfast • Party food) • Likes and dislikes • Recipes • Offering food and drink Grammar a – an – some Listening At the party • Mystery drinks • Having lunch in the school cafeteria Speaking Class interview • What would you like in your smoothie? Reading Mixed recipes Writing Screenplay for the Drama Club Pronunciation [ p ], [ b ], [ k ] and [ g ] Song/Rap The cat is away – the mice will play Video Cooking with Kate Stormy weather p. 87 Vocabulary Months • seasons • Ordinal numbers (1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , … 12 th ) • weather (weather forecasts • temperature) • climate Grammar Talking about the future (… will …) • Present and past Listening What do you hear? • The weather tomorrow Speaking What’s the weather like …? • Class interview Reading Crazy weather Writing A weather forecast • What do you do when it’s … Song/Rap The crazy weather song Adventure in Grumpland – a play p. 95 Vocabulary Characters in a play Grammar Past tense simple ( was – were • yes/no questions • Where did …? Why did …? • Did …? • Saying no ) Listening Adventure in Grumpland Speaking Acting in a play Reading Adventure in Grumpland Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv