Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Show what you can do! Language in use: My daily routine a) Fill in the gaps. Write v the times in words and the activities. Sandra lives 1 ( + live) with her family in Bristol. She is ten years old. At the weekend she 2 ( + wake up) at 09:00 3 . Then they 4 ( + eat) breakfast together. For breakfast she 5 ( + have) toast and marmalade, but she 6 ( – eat) muesli with milk. At 7 she 8 ( + meet) friends, but they 9 ( – play) games. They 10 ( + chat) and 11 ( + have) fun together. At the weekend, Sandra 12 ( – eat) lunch at 13 , but she and her parents 14 ( + have) an early dinner. b) Write a short text about your daily routine in your exercise book. Use at least six words from the green boxes. You can start like this: In the morning I get up at six o’clock. I have breakfast with my family at half past six. … cp95jw 12 Speaking: Your daily routine Use your text from task 12b and present your daily routine in class. 13 friends bed games lunch TV school homework breakfast l m n I can understand and write texts about my daily routine and the things I do. Ich kann Texte zu meinem Tagesablauf und meinen Aktivitäten verstehen und schreiben. l m n I can talk about my daily routine. Ich kann über meinen Tagesablauf sprechen. 38 4 Unit My day l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. thirty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv