Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Hooray – it’s the weekend! 8qj7gm Song: Weekends, weekends a) Listen f to the song. 9 1.33 1.34 b) Write v five sentences about your weekend activities and how often you do them. Bro: Hi Sis. Sis: Hi Bro. Bro: Where are you at the weekend? Sis: At home. Just like you. Bro: No! Meeting friends? Sis: Yeah. Bro: Tell me all about it. Sis: The weekend starts on Friday at three My girlfriends always visit me Bro: On Friday afternoon we boys come together Then we take a look at the weather Sis and Bro: Rain or sunshine we feel fine Friday evening is sleepover time Weekends, weekends when we meet friends Girls meet girls, and boys meet boys Weekends, weekends when we meet friends Girls and boys don’t play with toys Bro: On Saturday morning we always sleep late Dad always makes breakfast. He must always wait Sis: On Saturday evening we cook in a team Make perfect pizza and ice cream Sis and Bro: Then we party and watch DVDs Dad and Mum say: Now go to bed please! Weekends, weekends when we meet friends Girls meet girls, and boys meet boys Weekends, weekends when we meet friends Girls and boys don’t play with toys Sis: On Sunday morning we usually draw Crazy fashion queens on my bedroom floor Bro: Sometimes we all wash the family car And Mum pays for goodies at the milk bar Sis and Bro: In the afternoon we and our friends Make new plans for the next weekends Weekends, weekends when we meet friends Girls meet girls, and boys meet boys Weekends, weekends when we meet friends Girls and boys don’t play with toys Weekends, weekends when we meet friends Girls meet girls, and boys meet boys Weekends, weekends when we meet friends Girls and boys don’t play with toys The fun never ends when we meet friends On our weekends Oh yeah Pronunciation Listen and repeat: [ p ] and [ b ] Listen and repeat. Then read the sentences aloud: B ro p lans a p erfect p arty. P atricia is a p unctual p unk. B oys eat p izza for b reakfast in the p ark. P atricia p lays with her b rother in the b athroom . P 1.32 2k9tu3 At the weekend … . • I never … . • In the evening … . • I sometimes … . • I always … . 36 4 Unit My day thirty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv