Prime Time 1, Coursebook

What I do and what I don’t do a) Circle the things you do and don’t do every day. 1. I have • don’t have breakfast. 2. I go • don’t go to school by bike. 3. I go • don’t go to school by bus. 4. I do • don’t do my homework in the afternoon. 5. I watch • don’t watch TV before breakfast. 6. I hang out • don’t hang out with friends after school. 7. I have • don’t have dinner in the evening. 8. I read • don’t read a book in the afternoon. b) Go round the class and interview your classmates: “What do you do every day?” l / “What don’t you do?” n Write the names in the grid and tick  the sentences. Name l Positive sentence n Negative sentence Clarissa go es to school by bike.  do es n’t go to school by bike. do es his/her homework in the afternoon. do es n’t do his/her homework in the afternoon. watch es TV before breakfast. do es n’t watch TV before breakfast. hang s out with friends after school. do es n’t hang out with friends after school. ha s dinner in the evening. do es n’t have dinner in the evening. read s a book in the afternoon. do es n’t read a book in the afternoon. 8 c) Look c at the grammar box and write v negative sentences. 1. Clarissa does her homework in the afternoon. Melissa doesn’t do her homework in the afternoon. Grammar See 1 G 12–14 What we do What we don’t do Positive sentences: + I read a book. + Marco likes apples. + Jenny goes to school. + School starts at eight. Negative sentences: – I don’t read a book. – He doesn’t like bananas – She doesn’t go to school. – It doesn’t start at nine. Be careful: do  do es go  go es watch  watch es G 2. On Mondays Marco goes to school by bike. 3. Janette goes to the park every Saturday morning. 35 4 thirty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv