Prime Time 1, Coursebook

The things we usually do Listening: Miruna and her daily routine a) Listen f to part 1 of Miruna’s interview with the school radio station. b) Listen f again and then tick  T (= true) or F (= false). T (true) F (false) 1. When she gets up, Miruna never goes to the bathroom.  2. She sometimes drinks a glass of tomato juice. 3. Miruna often goes for a walk at 9 o’clock in the morning. 4. In the morning she never goes out. 5. Miruna usually goes to school. e27v9d 7 1.30 6qh7a9 Miruna gets up and always 1 goes to the bathroom. She 2 drinks a glass of tomato juice. Miruna 3 wears black; she 4 wears blue jeans. She 5 goes out at night. Miruna 6 goes to school because her parents teach her at home. e) Listen f to part 2 of Miruna’s interview and match the sentence halves below. 1. Miruna never meets from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2. Miruna has got a its name is Moonshine. 3. Her pet is a bat, and small black pet. 4. Miruna and her pet sleep 1 friends because she hasn’t got any friends. f) Have you found out who Miruna is? Tick  the correct answer. Miruna is a bat. a ghost. a vampire. 1.31 8y5v3m c) Take a piece of paper and draw w Miruna. Then show the class. d) Look at the grammar box and complete v the sentences about Miruna. Grammar See 1 G 11 How often? – Adverbs of frequency I always go to school from Monday to Friday. 100% Mary often sleeps till 10 a.m. at the weekend.  90% Joe usually meets his friends after school. 75% We sometimes eat at a restaurant on Fridays.  50% Mira never goes to school on Sundays. 0% G Info a.m. = from 00.00 to 12.00 p.m. = from 12.00 to 24.00 i 34 4 Unit My day thirty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv