Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Patricia the punctual punk This is Patricia. Look c at the pictures (A–G) below and match them with the statements (1–7). 1 u9zh22 Times of the day Listen f and match the sentence halves. 1. In the morning I play with my friends in the park. 2. Yummy! At lunchtime I sometimes wake up from a bad dream. 3. In the afternoon 1 I go to school by scooter. 4. In the evening I sleep in my bed with my cat. 5. At night I take a shower. 6. Argh! At midnight I have a snack. 2 1.28 4n9f8p Word bank wake up get up W 1. Patricia gets up at a quarter to seven in the morning. 2. She has breakfast with her family at seven o’clock. 3. She goes to school by scooter at a quarter to eight. 4. She does her homework from three to four in the afternoon. 5. She has dinner at five o’clock in the evening. 6. Patricia surfs the internet at half past six in the evening. 7. She goes to bed at half past nine at night. A C D F G B 1 E 31 thirty-one My day New things • My daily routine • When we do things • Free time activities • Things we do at the weekend • What we do and don’t do Unit 4 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv