Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Story: Best friends a) Listen f to part 1 of the story. Find the mistakes in the pictures and mark them ( x ). 1. hamburgers 2. 3. 4. b) Listen f again and write v the correct words in the boxes below the pictures. 10 1.27 j3ee2m 1.27 j3ee2m c) Read part 2 of the story. “Scottie! Scottie, where are you?” They all start looking for their pets. They look in every corner of the garden, but where are the animals? Now Mum is really worried. Suddenly they hear a bark and a meow from inside the house. “Oh no!” says Mum. “Dogs and cats always fight.” Everyone runs into the house. Scottie is sitting under the kitchen table, and he’s got something in his mouth … “Oh no!” says Mum. “My sausages!” Dad shouts. “Scottie has got my special sausages! Naughty dog!” Scottie jumps up and runs through the house with a string of sausages in his mouth. The kids run upstairs after him. He runs into Steve’s bedroom. “Now we’ve got you!” Phil shouts. But Scottie hides under Steve’s bed. 5 10 15 “Scottie, come out of there.” Steve puts his hand under the bed to get Scottie. “I can feel Scottie – and something soft!” he says. “Scottie’s not alone under there!” – “Oh no!” says Mum. The children look under the bed. Milly the kitten is under the bed too! She and Scottie are having the last sausage together. Milly purrs beside her new friend. “Don’t worry, Mum,” the children laugh. “This cat and dog are best friends now!” 20 25 d) Find out what them, it, her, him stand for and circle a), b) or c). 1. The children look for them . a) Milly and Scottie b) Mum and Dad c) the sausages 2. Scottie runs after it . a) the bowl of food b) a hamburger c) the ball 3. Mum gives her a sausage. a) Lisa b) Zoe c) Milly 4. They find him under the bed. a) Phil b) Dad c) Scottie sausage orange juice football hamburgers 29 3 twenty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv