Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Class interview a) Interview three classmates and fill in the grid. Ask them about brothers and sisters, their names, ages and pets. Start like this: Saskia, have you got any brothers and sisters? Classmate sister/s brother/s name/s age/s pet/s Saskia 1 0 Tabia 14 – Dragan 0 0 – – dog b) Tell the class. 5 Grammar See 1 G 9 Questions and short answers Have (I, you, we, they) got …? Have you got a hamster? Yes, I have. /No, I haven’t. Have they got a swimming pool? Yes, they have. /No, they haven’t. How many …have (I, you, we, they) got? How many interviews have we got? Has (he, she, it) got …? Has she got a smartphone? Yes, she has. /No, she hasn’t. Has he got a mountain bike? Yes, he has. /No, he hasn’t. How many …has (he, she, it) got? How many friends has he got? G Writing: A friend’s family Read the text below. Then write v your own text about a friend. Use the words from the green box. Mirko has got a sister. Her name is Ivana and she is fifteen years old. He hasn’t got a brother, but he’s got a pet. It’s a cat. The cat’s name is Tiger. Tiger is black and white, and he’s three years old. 6 Tip When you talk about your pet, you can say “he” or “she”. Use “it” for animals without a name. T has got • ’s got • hasn’t got • but • pet • his name • her name • old Dragan hasn’t got a brother or a sister, but he’s got a dog. Saskia has got a sister. Her name is Tabia. She is 14 years old. 25 3 twenty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – E gentum des Verlags öbv