Prime Time 1, Coursebook

The Happy Family Show The show a) Listen f to the interview with Lisa. b) Listen f again and fill in the grid. How many brothers and sisters have they got? cw889s Grammar See 1 G 7 have got – has got I, you, we, they he, she, it have got = ’ve got / haven’t got has got = ’s got / hasn’t got G 3 1.23 e2rv52 sisters brothers Mum 0 1 sisters brothers Dad sisters brothers Lisa c) Write v about Lisa, Mum and Dad. Mum hasn’t got a sister, but she’s got a brother. Dad Lisa Getting it right: my, her, his, our, their Listen f and circle the word you hear. 1. Hi, I’m Harry. This is my • her • his • our • their aunt. My • Her • His • Our • Their name is Liz. 2. Hello, Lisa. Is this your dad? Yes, it is. What’s my • her • his • our • their name? Paul. My • Her • His • Our • Their name is Paul. 3. This is Mr and Mrs Potter. My • Her • His • Our • Their children are 1, 5, 10 and 13 years old. 4. We like Miss Smith. She is my • her • his • our • their favourite teacher. 5. Look, this is Aunt Liz. Right here in the photo. And this is my • her • his • our • their niece Fiona. 6. This is Hannah and Paul Potter. My • Her • His • Our • Their children are Lisa, Harry, Fiona and Tim. 4 Grammar See 1 G 8 Possessives I am Sandy. Betty is my sister. I have got a brother . His name is Gil. I have got a sister . Her name is Joan. We like Freddie. He is our cousin. Here are my friends . Their names are Val and Joe. G 1.24 5432m6 I haven’t got a cat. I’ve got a dog. d) Write v about your family. Use the words from the green box. I’ve got • I haven’t got • but has got = ’s got • hasn’t got 24 3 Unit My family and my friends twenty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv