Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Show what you can do! Language in use: My school things a) Fill in the gaps with the words below. Hello, my name is Anna, and I’m ten years old. I’ve got a yellow, orange and green schoolbag. My schoolbag 1 is under my desk. My pencil case is black, and I’ve got four brown pencils in it. It is 2 . In my pencil case there’s also a 3 and a pair of scissors. I’ve got two 4 . They’re blue and red. My English books are on my desk, and they’re 5 my pencil case. On my desk 6 a blue pen, too. b) Write v five sentences about your school things in your exercise book. Use the words below. u5hf5z 8 on my desk • schoolbag • next to • English books • pink ruler • there’s schoolbag • pencil case • ruler • books • there’s • there are • pens • pencils l m n I can understand, complete and write texts about school things. Ich kann Texte zu Schulsachen verstehen, ergänzen und selbst schreiben. Writing and speaking: My school Finish the sentences below and then present your text to your partner. My name is . My school is in . I’m in class . Our classroom is . In my school there’s . The headteacher’s office is on . In my school there are . My school is . 9 l m n I can write and talk about my school. Ich kann meine Schule schriftlich und mündlich vorstellen. 22 2 Unit My school is cool l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. twenty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv