Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Reading: Where are we? a) Read the story and say where the mice are. Write v the rooms in the boxes. 7 b) Listen f to the story and check your answers. c) Read the story again. Then tick  T (= true) or F (= false). T (true) F (false) 1. Pip and his dad live in Central School.  2. Pip and his dad are two rats. 3. They try to get something to eat. 4. Pip isn’t very hungry. 5. First, Pip and his father go to the library. 6. Next, the mice go to the computer lab. 7. The last stop is the cafeteria where they find a nice piece of cheese. d) Listen f to the dialogues and repeat them. 1.20 d255rr 1.21 4fx4kw After school the pupils and teachers from Central School go home. Two mice wait in a mouse hole in classroom 12. “Is it safe to come out, Dad?” says one mouse. “Sssh, Pip!” says Dad. A little later the caretaker turns off all the lights, closes the school doors and goes home. Now it’s very silent. “I’m hungry, Dad”, says Pip. “Okay, Pip. Let’s get something to eat. Follow me.” The two mice run across the floor to a hole in the wall. They go through a dark tunnel into a very large room with lots of computers. 1. computer lab They run on into another room. “Yuk! What’s that smell?” Pip asks. “Where are we, Dad? There are so many balls in here.” 2. “Let’s get out of here!” Pip holds his nose and the two mice run through a tunnel on the other side into a long corridor. At the end of the 5 10 15 corridor there are some big red doors. They go through the doors. Inside, the room has a lovely smell. “Aha!” says Dad. “At last!” There are no desks in this room, but there are many tables and chairs. On the floor there are bread crumbs and crisps and …“Yes!” Pip shouts. “Cheese! My favourite!” 3. Suddenly Dad hears a noise. “What’s that?” he says. But Pip is busy with a nice piece of cheese. Voices! Suddenly, the big red doors open. “Run, Pip, run!” says Dad. – “Mfmp?” Pip has a big piece of cheese in his mouth. “But I’m still hun …” Bright lights go on. “Eeeek! Mice!” says a woman’s voice above them. “Get them!” says a man’s voice. “Run, Pip!” Pip and his father run between the cleaners’ enormous feet. Soon the mice are home, safe in their mouse hole. Dinner is not so easy if you are a mouse. 20 25 30 35 21 2 twenty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv